Saturday, January 31, 2009

Things to do instead of killing your family as a result of financial disarray.

1. Don't kill your family. Seriously, i'd be pretty pissed if someone i'd known my whole life just killed me one day.

2. Be homeless. Considering you still have a functional brain unit, i'm pretty sure finding a place to sleep wouldn't be that hard. In fact, it's so hot right now that i don't even want to sleep at my house, and i'm not even homeless! No food? You're losing weight as well! The benefits are endless.

3. Work. People in prison do it, disabled people do it and old people do it to an extent. Heck, even i do it every now and then. Earning money to pay back a debt is better than capping your relatives any day.

Now, get out there and stay positive!

1 comment:

$hcott Free said...

LOL@"No food? You're losing weight as well! The benefits are endless."