Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thunderbox issues.

I gave myself the scare of a lifetime the other day. I'll spare you the intricate details but it involved number two's, a toilet and a sudden strike of shock that could have paralyzed a grown man and permanently disabled a small child. The kind of fear where you know that you're going to be ok but you also know that you're possibly completely fucked. If i could compare it to something..............actually, i'm over metaphors for the time being.

Moral of the story:
NEVER buy graphic based toilet paper, particularly graphics that feature the colour red. Blood is fine if you're aware of it's presence and the process that dictated it's release, i have no qualms with that scenario. However, it's not so fine when you are:
a) Pissing it out.
b) Doing number two's.

To avoid any scares, always buy white. If you are in the market for a graphic or 'pro' paper, ask your local shop assistant if you can get a look at a full roll. Light hues of blue and green are fine and i recommend something eucalypt or paw print related. The one that made me think i was shitting blood had these little bears on it and he has a red coat or red wellingtons. I obviously didn't get a proper look at the time and have since refused to even be in the same room as it.


Garth said...

Now the image of you checking your tissue is going to be with me for the rest of the day. haha!

Me said...

Hey i just write the posts, take from them what you will.